Monday 1 July 2013

101 Things On My Bucket List

1. Have a massive, extreme party.
Okay, not Project X extreme, but somewhere close. I used to have little 'gatherings' at my house, involving alcohol, music and around 10-15 people, but something of a bigger scale would be awesome.

2. Own a samoyed.
I love animals (more than people, probably), especially dogs, and samoyeds are literally the cutest things I have ever seen!

3. Go snorkelling and/or scuba diving.
Somewhere tropical of course, where you can see coral reefs and fish and things.

4. Swim with dolphins.
The whole animal thing, again. Dolphins are lovely, so care-free and friendly (like me!).

5. Do some charity work.
The considerate side to me wants to do something to help others, whether it's something small like volunteer at a charity shop, or something bigger like foster lost and injured animals. Preferably, I'd like to help Marie Curie, for looking after my cousin Ross in his last moments.

6. Have children.
I want two children, but not until my 30's (I want to live a little first!)

7. Go to Canada.
Specifically, the Canadian National Parks to see all the lakes (Lake Moraine, Lake Louise, Peyto Lake etc.) and mountains. Imagine the amazing photos I could get!

8. Save a life.
I guess this is part of my considerate side again... I just want to help people.


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